Online Parent Education Classes

Please select the county your case has been filed in to display the class(es) that most likely meet the requirements set forth by either the state of Kentucky or the County Court.

DISCLAIMER: Online parent education classes are recognized within the state of Kentucky by some County courts; however, if you are court ordered to take a co-parenting class, it is always best to verify approval of our classes with your county court of record to verify their acceptance of an online parenting class. Each state, county and individual judge may dictate different requirements.

Online Parent Education Classes

Attending parenting class within the state of Kentucky is at the discretion of each family court judge on a case by case basis at their discretion. Parents with children children ages 0 to 17 may be ordered to attend a in person or online co-parenting/divorce class similar to Families In Transition (FIT) specific to Kentucky rule 23-3214. Within Kentucky, a six-hour divorce program specific to coping with the problems that result from divorce or separation and includes developing a plan for co-parenting successfully.

Please check with the family court judge within your judicial region to verify our program will meet the co-parenting/divorce class requirement.